
Galsenext documentation


Welcome to Galsenext

Galsenext is a powerful starter kit based on Next.js and Neon that offers a ready-to-use solution for developing modern web applications. Designed to speed up the process of creating applications, Galsenext includes a comprehensive setup with NextAuth for authentication, Prisma and PostgreSQL for data management, and built-in internationalization (i18n).

Key Features

  • Authentication and Authorization: User authentication management with NextAuth, including OAuth, Email, and Credentials strategies.
  • Prisma ORM: Integration of Prisma for efficient data manipulation with PostgreSQL.
  • Neon Support: Integration with Neon for a scalable and high-performance PostgreSQL database.
  • Internationalization (i18n): Multilingual support to provide an accessible user experience for all.
  • User Onboarding: A guided onboarding system to simplify the user experience from day one.
  • TypeScript Support: Use of TypeScript for a more robust and secure development experience.

Why Use Galsenext?

  • Time-Saving: A turnkey initial setup that allows you to focus on the specific features of your project.
  • Flexibility: Adapt and extend the starter kit to meet the unique needs of your application.
  • Quality Code: Benefit from best practices in modern web development, with tools like React, Next.js, and Prisma.

Getting Started with Galsenext

  1. Quick Installation: Use the following command to install Galsenext and start your project:
git clone https://github.com/mouhamedhanne/Galsenext
cd Galsenext
npm install
  1. Customization: Explore the configuration files to tailor the package to your specific needs.
  2. Easy Deployment: Deploy your application on any platform compatible with Next.js, such as Vercel.

Guide and Tutorial

For a quick start and tips on using Galsenext, check out our Guide and Tutorial.

Roadmap and Changelog

To learn about upcoming features and the latest updates, see our Roadmap and Changelog.

Contributing to Galsenext

Want to contribute? Check out our contribution guide to learn how you can help improve Galsenext.

Support and Assistance

For any questions or support, feel free to contact us or open an issue on our GitHub repository.

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