
Guide du Contributeur


This guide provides instructions for contributing to the development of Galsenext.

1. Installation and Setup

  1. Fork and Clone: Start by forking the Galsenext repository to your GitHub account and cloning it to your local machine.
  2. Install Dependencies: Run npm install to install all the project dependencies.
  3. Create and Set Up the .env File:
    • Duplicate the .env.example file by renaming it to .env.
    • Fill in the necessary environment variables (e.g., API keys, database credentials, etc.) according to the instructions in the file.
  4. Start Development: Use npm run dev to start the local development server.

2. Contribution Guidelines

  • Branches: Use descriptive branches for your features (feature/new-feature) and for fixing bugs (fix/bug-fix).
  • Commits: Make regular commits with clear messages explaining the changes made.
  • Tests: Ensure your code is well-covered by tests and that all checks pass (npm run test).

3. Submit a Pull Request

  • Pull Request: Open a Pull Request (PR) to the main branch with a detailed description of your changes.
  • Code Review: Wait for a code review from the maintainers and respond to comments or ask for clarifications if needed.

4. Resources

  • Style Guide: Follow our code style guide available in CONTRIBUTING.md.
  • Tests: Refer to the testing documentation to ensure your code is properly tested.

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